ex works |
expiry date |
economic exchange |
exchange |
evaluation scale |
efficiency rating |
ecolabel |
ecology |
ecomarketing |
econometrics |
econometric |
economy |
economy of scale |
economical |
economist |
eco participation |
entry |
edition |
elasticity |
elasticity of demand |
elasticity of production |
elasticity of substitution |
elicitation |
elite |
episode |
equilibrium |
equipment |
equipment manufacturer |
establishment |
establishing |
electronic tag |
exploratory market research |
exploratory research |
evaluation of the enterprise |
evasion |
european currency unit |
employer's grant |
enforceable deed |
employee shareholding |
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) |
European food safety authority : EFSA |
earmarking |
economic factor |
export agent |
economic analysis (product line analysis) |
economic approach |
emotional selling point (ESP) |
exclusive assortment |
exhibition cost insurance |
expected |
effective audience |
external audit |
external auditor |
export licence |
endorsement |
eligible applicant |
earnings per share |
European Investment Bank |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) |
essential good |
economic substitute good |
executive |
electronic cash register |
express check out counter |
equity |
exhibition bus |
ECS log book |
Electronic catalog |
European Economic Community (EEC) |
European Committee for Standardization |
expenses |
Expert trend-spotter |
entrepreneur |
Encryption- Encypherment |
effective passers-by count |
European Community |
escape clause |
effective contact cost per thousand |
encoder |
encoding system |
extrapolation coefficient |
edible |
economic and social committee of Europan Union |
executive committee |
emergency order |
electronic commerce |
European Commission |
element |
estimated result |
exclusive agency agreement |
economic trend |
executive board |
Eurepean Central Banque |
effective contact |
economic environment |
exchange control |
exchange contract |
exchange value |
ex right |
effectiveness curve of a quality control program |
electronic mail |
export credit |
economic cycle |
event of default |
export customs entry |
expense |
earmarked expenditure |
expansion |
economic development |
effective demand |
elastic demand |
estimate |
exemption |
exclusive distribution |
European Union law |
exclusive right |
excise tax |
Ebitda : Earnings before interest |
electronic data interchange for administration |
effective |
experience effect |
efficiency |
efficient |
erosion |
enlarged pack |
empathy |
employment |
employee |
employer |
EMV Consortium |
endorsee |
endorser |
eligible entity |
entrepreneurship |
enterprise |
enterprise in trouble |
environment |
ergonomy |
ERP : enterprise resource planning |
error in sampling |
european society for opinion and marketing research |
expectancy |
estimation |
euro |
eurobond |
execution of a writ |
enforceable |
excess demand |
exclusive |
exclusion |
exclusive rights |
exclusive selling rights |
effective copy |
exequatur |
expert |
explosion |
exhibition hall |
exporter |
exporting |
export |
exhibitor |
exhibition |
external |
extension |
extension of an insurance cover |
extrapolation |
eye catching side |
easy terms |
electronic invoice - electronic bill - e-invoice |
E-Commerce and Distance Selling Federation |
end of the season |
Ethical funds |
european investment fund (EIF) |
executory clause |
exclusive purchasing agreement |
entertainment allowance |
excess clause |
electronic engineering |
earnings |
exchange risk guarantee |
electronic document management |
eating without paying (in a restaurant) |
exporters group |
expenses incurred for the maintenance or improvement of property |
engineering |
European union institutions |
electronic game |
electric newscaster |
enquiry terminal |
Engel's law |
economic lot size |
economic value added method |
explanatory method |
electronic teller |
experimental store |
extra premium |
effective market |
edging |
ecomarketing |
electronic marketing |
eponymic name |
exclusive trademark |
exchange mecanism |
expense account |
electronic money |
electronic currency |
editing |
emergency order level |
eye-tracking |
european anti-fraud office |
economic transaction |
exchange offer |
entrepreneneurship breeding ground |
expired |
electronic payment |
employee profit sharing |
employee stock ownership plan |
economic policy |
electronic wallet - e-wallet |
economic forecast |
evidence |
expert's appraisal report |
export price |
equalization price |
estimated price |
excessive price |
extension of time |
economic psychology |
educational advertising |
event related advertising |
editorial advertising |
economic order quantity (EOQ) |
economic lot size for reordering |
ends of distribution |
export quota |
editorial director |
evaluation |
e-reputation |
extension of a shelf |
effectiveness |
entertainment |
export refunds |
experience in return |
earning |
economic risk |
exchange risk |
ECR : efficient consumer response |
economic batch |
environment responsiveness |
external services |
electronic signature |
European monetary system (bis) |
export management company |
extra bonus |
expert system |
European monetary system (EMS) |
end of gondola |
exclusive purchase rate |
expansion rate |
effective interest |
experimental techniques |
economic exchange table |
effective interest rate |
expression test |
excise stamp |
extra run copy |
excess payment |
European Union |
e-mail spoofing |
economic value added (EVA) |
exposure value |
endogenous variable |
exogenous variable |
e-shopping |
ex work sale |
ex-ship or ex-aircraft delivery |
exclusive selling |
entrepot trade |
economic life of a product or a service |
eXtensible Mark up Language |
euroland |
ecological marketing |
e-merchandising |
Employer brand |
eco-contribution |
e-couponing |
eco-design |
ethical savings |
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria |
exclusion funds |
ENS : Entry summary declaration |
ESMA - European securities and parket authority |